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February 09, 2021

King Statement on Beginning of Second Impeachment Trial

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) issued the following statement ahead of the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump:

“In the days ahead, the Senate is about to embark on an unorthodox set of proceedings – this is the first impeachment case in American history where the jurors are also eyewitnesses to the alleged crime,” said Senator King. “I’ve made clear that I feel the President acted irresponsibly in the weeks following the November election, but I have taken an oath to ‘do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws.’ I will take this oath seriously, and intend to listen closely to the cases put forward by both parties in order to do my part to ensure that a fair, just decision is reached on the House’s article of impeachment. I wish that these proceedings weren’t necessary – but five Americans are dead, and hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent in the weeks since January 6th to quell further violence aimed at undermining our Constitutional system. To protect the values of self-government that have defined this nation since its founding, it is Congress’s duty to hear this case and reach a decision that upholds accountability.” 

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