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May 19, 2018

King Receives “Friend of Education” Award from Maine Education Association

PORTLAND, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) will be honored with the Maine Education Association’s (MEA) “Friend of Education” Award. Senator King will receive the award this afternoon at MEA’s 90th Annual Meeting in South Portland.

“I’m truly honored to accept this award, and don’t believe I’ve ever received an honor so aptly-named,” said Senator King. “As the son of a public school teacher and a product of public education, I’ve tried to be a true friend of education and educators alike. Maine’s teachers work is essential for the future of our state, and their dedication to our students is second-to-none. I’m thankful for their recognition, and their continued service to the state of Maine.”

“The Maine Education Association recognizes the importance of having leaders who support public education,” said Lois Kilby-Chesley, MEA President.  “That’s why the MEA Board of Directors has awarded Senator Angus King the 2018 MEA Friend of Education Award. Senator King has worked for public education in innumerable ways in the past six years in Washington. As a result of consistently standing with educators he has earned the gratitude and support of the Maine Education Association. While in the Senate, Senator King has repeatedly engaged with MEA on education issues for discussions on topics of mutual interest. His willingness to listen to our concerns is a distinct help to educators, and our partnership benefits Maine students.”

The MEA’s “Friend of Education” Award recognizes an individual currently holding an elected or appointed public position, and currently making a significant contribution to public education. In the Senate, Senator King has advocated for bipartisan reforms to improve Maine’s education system, including reducing burdensome federal requirements, closing the homework gap by increasing student access to the internet, and allowing for greater flexibility in federal testing requirements.

MEA is a unified, democratic professional organization that aims to advocate for the rights and interests of Maine teachers, inspire educators to be leaders in the educational process and advance the cause of public education for all individuals in the state of Maine. The organization is an affiliate of the National Education Association.

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