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September 17, 2015

King Commends Collins on 6,000 Consecutive Votes in Senate

Evoking legendary Maine Senator, Margaret Chase Smith, King presents Collins with a rose on the Senate floor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In remarks delivered on the Senate floor today, U.S. Senator Angus King commended his colleague and good friend, U.S. Senator Susan Collins, for casting her 6,000th consecutive roll call vote and thanked her for her unwavering dedication to the people of Maine by presenting her with a red rose, a gesture symbolic of Maine’s former Senator Margaret Chase Smith whose own streak of consecutive votes lasted 13 years and inspired Senator Collins’s ongoing effort, and who also famously wore a rose on her lapel every day.

“What she has done is symbolic of her service to this country and to the state of Maine. It is symbolic of an intense, fierce commitment to this institution,” said Senator King in his remarks on the floor. “It’s been mentioned that she sits in the seat of Margaret Chase Smith, one of Maine’s most important leaders of the mid-20th century – and every day that Margaret Chase Smith appeared on the Senate floor, she had in her lapel a red rose. So in order to recognize Senator Collins today, I want to present her with a rose symbolic of her kinship to Senator Margaret Chase Smith. Senator Collins, what an accomplishment. Thank you on behalf of the people of Maine and the people of this country.” 

To watch Senator King’s remarks in recognition of Senator Collins, click HERE.


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